Saturday, October 23, 2010

Splinternet Marketing's Internet Marketing Services Offers A Guaranteed Positive Return on Investment!

Watertown, WI, September 3, 2010 – Online marketing is the key to business success in today's technological era.  If your online marketing isn't bringing you the results you need, Splinternet Marketing can bring you a positive return on your marketing investment – guaranteed. 

It's just not enough to throw a few keywords onto your website, or maintain a presence on a few social networking sites.  Your online presence needs to be carefully crafted and maintained if it's going to bring you the business you want; it also needs to be constantly and competently analyzed so that it can be adjusted to keep you on top of the online heap. 

To quote Brian Bateman, Managing Director of Splinternet Marketing, "Optimize everything. It is not enough to have your web pages optimized and it is not enough to have an account on social media sites. Each of your social media sites needs to be optimized and they should use your keyword phrases to link back to your website. This sounds straight forward, but when you consider that there are over 145 social media bookmarking sites and hundreds of social media sites with more springing up every day, it is a lot of hard work."  You don't want to put this sort of hard work into the hands of people new to the game.  You want the experience of years in the business behind you.

Optimizing your site isn't enough, however.  The business world is fluid, especially online, and your website and social media marketing efforts need to be analyzed frequently, so that adjustments can be made that will keep you in the eye of the consumer.  You need to know if your social media networking and online presence is working, and how well it's working.  Again, listen to Brian Bateman:  "Everyone knows that you need analytics on your website to track the volume of visitors and ultimately calculate your SEO ROI. Now, we can track activity on each of your social media pages, measuring traffic, how many visited your site afterward and what percentage of them became your customer. This allows us to calculate ROI from your social media efforts. It is not enough to have a social media site or even hundreds of them; you need to know if your marketing investment is paying off with a positive return on investment in social media marketing, search engine optimization, and any other Internet marketing activities."

Splinternet Marketing can put analytics in place that will let you measure your return on investment, do research on keywords, social media networks, and link partners and put together a plan that will guarantee your success, and execute that plan to put you on top.

Contact Splinternet Marketing and let their experience and knowledge work for you.

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